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Leila said the new restaurant was nothing to write home about. She thought it was
  1. excellent
  2. just average
  3. really terrible

Q2. Mr Jones gave us ……… about losing our match against Gorzow.

  1. cane
  2. rod
  3. stick
  4. log
Correct Answer

Q3. Many people considered it to be cruel to send animals in rockets into outer space. Many people consider that _______ cruel to send animals in rockets into further space.

  1. to be
  2. it to be
  3. it is
  4. it was
Correct Answer

Q4. On the day of my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the room where I practiced. I was so eager to get over my nerves that I was willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly nervous. My hands felt like ice. When I finally walked across the stage, I looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake. For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded. --------- On the day of the recital the music teacher _____.

  1. advised the writer to put cabbages in the room where he practiced and play for them.
  2. warned the writer not to look at the audience.
  3. had no patience with the writer because he was nervous too.
  4. felt nearly as nervous about the recital as the writer did.
  5. couldn’t think of a way of helping the writer to stay calm.
Correct Answer

Q5. Some working parents ______ being absent all day by giving their children lots of presents.

  1. make out
  2. make out of
  3. make up
  4. make up for
Correct Answer

Q6. Lyle chose Marco for his partner, thinking that it would be fun to work with his best friend, but now that the project was due tomorrow and the boys had nothing done, Lyle realized that he should have (hitched his horse to a different wagon).

  1. When one wishes to have chosen different company than one is presently keeping
  2. When one accepts responsibility for one's own involvement in an unfortunate event
  3. When one understands that the only way to solve a problem is through hard work
  4. When one determines that the best course of action is to tell the truth
Correct Answer

Q7. Some of the boys in the class used to take the ……… out of Alfie's speech impediment.

  1. hooray
  2. mickey
  3. cackle
  4. hampers
Correct Answer

Q8. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The professor’s INTRODUCTORY remarks concerned the development of culture in that region.

  1. preliminary
  2. final
  3. next
  4. supplementary
  5. useful
Correct Answer

Q9. Bobby never keeps still. So, when his aunt saw him standing there and not moving at all, she knew something unusual was happening. She moved quietly towards him and also began to look where he seemed to be looking. Just then, in the tall grass near the fence, she saw a little bird that was too small to fly. It must have fallen out of its nest. ------------ The little bird _____.

  1. hid behind the fence.
  2. had been caught by Bobby.
  3. tried to fly over the fence.
  4. was too tired to return to its nest.
  5. fascinated Bobby greatly.
Correct Answer

Q10. The best student in each class will ______ a prize at the end of term.

  1. catch
  2. receive
  3. possess
  4. prove
  5. reward
Correct Answer

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