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Computer Question Bank
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A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as
  1. Path
  2. Address bus
  3. Route
  4. All of the above

Q2. A …. is a set of computer instructions that carry out a task on the computer

  1. Memory files
  2. None of the above
  3. Program
  4. Database
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following uses the spelling and grammar feature to indicate an incorrect spelling?

  1. The incorrect word appears in all capital letters
  2. The incorrect word has a wavy red line under it
  3. The incorrect word appears italicized
  4. The incorrect word appears bold
Correct Answer

Q4. Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Dr. Herman Hollerith
  3. Howard Aikin
  4. Joseph Jacquard
Correct Answer

Q5. You can use print manage window

  1. To checkstatus of files in the print queue
  2. To cancel the print job
  3. To interrupt printing
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. What do you mean by Memory Compaction?

  1. Combine multiple equal memory holes into one big hole
  2. Combine multiple small memory holes into one big hole
  3. Divide big memory hole into small holes
  4. Divide memory hole by 2
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following options changes the fill color of an object back to the default color?

  1. Template
  2. Automatic
  3. Patterns
  4. Fill colors
Correct Answer

Q8. Computers with 80286 microprocessor is

  1. XT computer
  2. AT comptuers
  3. PS/2 computer
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: If you will be displaying or printing your document on another computer, you’ll want to make sure and select the _____________ option under the ‘Save’ ta

  1. Embed Fonts
  2. Embed True Type Fonts
  3. Save True Type Fonts
  4. Save Fonts
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is valid statement?

  1. Data in itself is useless unless it is processed
  2. The data that is processed is called a program
  3. The data which is not yet processed is information
  4. Information is processed by computer to generate data.
Correct Answer

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