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Project Management Question Bank
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The communications management plan for the project has been completed and approved by the customer when a major stakeholder requests that the project manager issue reports on the amount o testing done throughout the life of the project. However, testing is only a minor aspect of the quality control plan. It would be BEST for the project manager to:
  1. Issue the report, as this is a major stakeholder. Her needs would have been included in the staffing management plan.
  2. Not issue the report. Project resources should be expended on communication information that contributes to success.
  3. Request details of the information the stakeholder needs in the report. Provide that information to those handling the quality control function on the project.
  4. Have the stakeholders meet with the project sponsor to get the sponsor’s agreement that project funds should be expended on this effort.

Q2. All of the following are NOT parts of a project management plan EXCEPT:

  1. Baselines
  2. Milestone list
  3. Risk register
  4. Lessons learned
Correct Answer

Q3. A project team is worried that the integration of the components of the project will result in uncovering flaws. Instead of continuing their work, they are constantly looking for flaws to try to prevent their system from being the only one found o have flaws during integration. Quality and technical experts were called in to advise and found little possibility of errors for this project. An agreement was reached by all parties on what will be done to prevent errors. It might be BEST for the project manager to:

  1. Smooth the situation
  2. Compromise the situation
  3. Tell the team to create quality testing plans
  4. Let management know of the concern.
Correct Answer

Q4. You are in the middle of a project when you discover that a software seller for your project is having major difficulty keeping employees due to a labor dispute. Many other projects in your company are also using the company’s services. What should you do?

  1. Attempt to keep the required people on your project.
  2. Tell the other project managers in your company about the labor problem
  3. Contact the company and advise it that you will cancel its work on the project unless it settles its labor dispute.
  4. Cease doing business with the company 3
Correct Answer

Q5. In a small office construction project, the following activities are scheduled in sequence. i) Digging and pouring footings: five days. ii) Working on the slab and pouring: three days. iii) Framing the floor: five days. iv) Wall framing: four days. v) Roof framing: six days. vi) Insulation and drywall: seven days. vii) Interior doors and trim: three days. viii) Hardware and fixtures: two days. What is the minimum time to complete the project if all activities are on a critical path except activity viii, and activity iii is delayed by one day?

  1. 32 days
  2. 33 days
  3. 34 days
  4. 35 days
Correct Answer

Q6. Upon obtaining the project charter, the Project Manager of a project starts acquiring the project team immediately. Is this correct?

  1. Yes. Acquisition of the project team is primarily an Initiating Process Group activity.
  2. Yes. The project manager needs to get the team together as soon as the project starts.
  3. No. It is the responsibility of the project sponsor to provide the team for execution.
  4. No. Acquisition of the project team is primarily an Executing Process Group activity.
Correct Answer

Q7. A project manager can BEST resolve the differences between the requirements of one stakeholder and those of another by making which of these statements?

  1. There are many points on which we agree. I am certain if we focus on them, we will find a solution.
  2. Let’s look at why there is a difference of opinion on the requirements.
  3. This discussion is getting too heated. Let’s regroup to solve the problem tomorrow.
  4. I have made the decision to resolve the problem this way.
Correct Answer

Q8. A good friend at work tells you that when his wife was diagnosed with cancer, he stole items from work and sold them, using the money for her treatment. He has since paid back the money taken, in ways that kept his theft secret. Ethically, what should you do?

  1. Advise your friend to tell his company and do nothing
  2. Report him to his manager
  3. Talk with a lawyer to see if this can be justified
  4. Attempt to gather evidence to determine whether or not the theft in fact occurred.
Correct Answer

Q9. The complexity of the information flow in any project depends upon the complexity of the project itself. Information flows through various channels in complex projects. The project management team is responsible for gathering, compiling, analyzing, and reporting this information. Which of the following processes finally releases the project information to the project stakeholders?

  1. Plan Communications Management
  2. Monitor Communications
  3. Manage Communications
  4. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Correct Answer

Q10. Mary has just assigned Thomas as project manager of an upcoming railway construction project. She hands an approved project charter to Thomas. Once Thomas thoroughly reviews the project charter, what should he do next?

  1. Review the charter once again since one thorough review is never enough
  2. Kick-start the Develop Project Management Plan process
  3. Add the project charter to the organizational lessons-learned archive
  4. Distribute the charter to all key project stakeholders and ensure common understanding
Correct Answer

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