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Ms Excel:Which of the following series type is not valid for Fill Series dialog box?
  1. Linear
  2. Growth
  3. Autofill
  4. Time

Q2. Ms Word: To change margin settings, click _____ on the menu bar and then point to the Page Setup comman

  1. File
  2. Edit
  3. Format
  4. Tools
Correct Answer

Q3. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. ERAM
  4. RW / RAM
Correct Answer

Q4. Which command will divide the surface of the blank floppy disk into sector and assign a unique address to each one?

  1. Ver
  2. Format
  3. FAT
Correct Answer

Q5. Which unit converts user data into machine readable form?

  1. Input unit
  2. Output unit
  3. ALU
  4. Control Unit
Correct Answer

Q6. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on

  1. tracks per inch of surface
  2. bits per inch of tracks
  3. disk pack in disk surface
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Which one of the following key is used to refresh the active window?

  1. F7
  2. F8
  3. F9
  4. F5
Correct Answer

Q8. What is the suitable output device for CAE, CAD and CAM?

  1. Dot Matrix Printers
  2. Laser Printers
  3. Plotters
  4. Projectors
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:To create an interactive Pivot Table for the web, you use a Microsoft Office Web component called

  1. HTML
  2. Pivot Table Field List
  3. Pivot Table List
  4. Pivot Table Report
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the:

  1. header and footer toolbar
  2. print layout view
  3. page setup dialog box
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

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