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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: Ctrl + S
  1. Save Document with different name
  2. Save Document with same name
  3. Save Document and Close Word Application
  4. Save Document and Print whole Pages

Q2. Ms Access: For _________ data to be useful, both the sender and the receiver need to be able to read and use the dat

  1. standardized
  2. fixed
  3. delimited
  4. shared
Correct Answer

Q3. Which printer is very commonly used for desktop publishing?

  1. Laser printer
  2. Inkjet printer
  3. Daisywheel printer
  4. Dot matrix printer
Correct Answer

Q4. What is the size of Host bits in Class B of IP address?

  1. 04
  2. 08
  3. 16
  4. 32
Correct Answer

Q5. Using windows explorer, a plus (+) sign in front of a folder indicates

  1. An open folder
  2. The folder contains subfolder
  3. A text file
  4. A graphic file
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms PowerPoint:What are lines, curve, freeform, and scribble?

  1. Emphasis effects that can be applied to animations
  2. Types of custom motion paths
  3. Predefined entrance and exit effects
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. DOS uses a special batch file named?

  1. Autoexec.bat
  2. Autoex.bat
  3. Autoexecut
  4. Auto.bat
Correct Answer

Q8. When did John Napier develop logarithm?

  1. 1416
  2. 1614
  3. 1641
  4. 1804
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: Which corner of the Word window has the zoom control?

  1. upper-left
  2. upper-right
  3. lower-left
  4. lower-right
Correct Answer

Q10. Mark I is also known as

  1. American Sequence Controlled Calculator
  2. Automatic Sequence Calculating Controller
  3. American Sequence Controlled Computer
  4. Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
Correct Answer

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