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English Question Bank
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He didn’t even apologize. This made her really angry. _______ he didn’t even apologize made her really angry.
  1. Why
  2. What
  3. The fact that
  4. The reason

Q2. I wanted to know why no one _______.

  1. had come
  2. hadn’t come
  3. has come
  4. hasn’t come
Correct Answer

Q3. New students spend the first few days ______ themselves ______ the layout of the university.

  1. calling / out
  2. bringing / about
  3. acquainting / with
  4. carrying / on
Correct Answer

Q4. Her name is mud these days because

  1. she changed it
  2. she didn't clean up
  3. she was caught cheating
Correct Answer

Q5. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Accustomed

  1. flexible
  2. limp
  3. stiff
  4. used to
Correct Answer

Q6. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Praise

  1. blame
  2. commend
  3. censure
  4. criticize
Correct Answer

Q7. Ben says his life was a roller-coaster ride while

  1. he was living in an amusement park
  2. he was staying in a cottage in the countryside
  3. he was getting divorced and changing his job
Correct Answer

Q8. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** What DIARY PRODUCTS do you like to eat?

  1. creamery
  2. meals
  3. animal
  4. first course
  5. desserts
Correct Answer

Q9. My wife ______ a squirrel on her way to work this morning.

  1. ran over
  2. ran up
  3. ran out of
  4. ran off
Correct Answer

Q10. Sue says it'll be worth her while going to Cambostan to teach homeless children new work skills because

  1. she's happy when she's helping people
  2. she won't have to pay them to work
  3. they'll give her their wages when they get jobs
Correct Answer

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