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English Question Bank
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A: Would you like me to give Mike a message for you? B: Oh, I don’t want to trouble you. A: It’s no trouble, really. I ______ Mike tomorrow anyway.
  1. am seeing
  2. saw
  3. have seen
  4. would see

Q2. In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______ the grass.

  1. off
  2. aside
  3. out
  4. away
Correct Answer

Q3. What do you think would be the _____ of this ring, if I were to sell it?

  1. worth
  2. value
  3. cost
  4. good
  5. importance
Correct Answer

Q4. If people ______ ill, they go to see a doctor.

  1. is
  2. are
  3. were
  4. will be
Correct Answer

Q5. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Respect

  1. esteem
  2. belief
  3. scorn
  4. contempt
Correct Answer

Q6. New students spend the first few days ______ themselves ______ the layout of the university.

  1. calling / out
  2. bringing / about
  3. acquainting / with
  4. carrying / on
Correct Answer

Q7. I don’t think they can easily get ______ from prison.

  1. away
  2. into
  3. down
Correct Answer

Q8. Robin Hood was a ……… at archery. He always hit the target.

  1. vested interest
  2. fine hand
  3. dab hand
  4. rough diamond
Correct Answer

Q9. The firefighters had to break the door ______ to rescue the little girl.

  1. into
  2. out
  3. down
Correct Answer

Q10. Ever since country western super group The Mountain Boys started wearing stovepipe hats, those hats have been (selling like hotcakes).

  1. This means that stovepipe hats have been selling quickly.
  2. This means that stovepipe hats have been selling slowly.
  3. This means that stovepipe hats have been selling at an average pace.
  4. This means that stovepipe hats have not been selling at all.
Correct Answer

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