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Food Question Bank
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How many clauses does BRC have?
  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

Q2. Internal audits must be completed on a regular basis to provide information on whether the FSMS conforms to the requirements of FSSC 22000:

  1. True
  2. False
Correct Answer

Q3. What is the benefit of having BRC certification? i) Stabilization of customer confidence ii) Higher product security iii) Higher product liability risks iv) Timely notice of consumer risks concerning hygiene and security consumer goods

  1. i & ii
  2. i, ii & iii
  3. ii & iv
  4. i, ii & iv
Correct Answer

Q4. Legal Compliance is a key element within FSSC 22000?

  1. True
  2. False
Correct Answer

Q5. Minor NC should be closed out and the objective evidence should be submitted to the CB:

  1. within 14 days
  2. within 28 days
  3. within 90 days
  4. Incorrect in the next audit visit
Correct Answer

Q6. At what temperature should your refrigerator be maintained?

  1. 60°F
  2. 45°F
  3. 40°F
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. Stick to the ‘five second rule’ and you’ll be ok

  1. True
  2. False
Correct Answer

Q8. A critical limit must be...

  1. Measurable in real time
  2. Stated in legislation
  3. Incorrect A range of values
  4. Higher than the target level
Correct Answer

Q9. What is the goal of HACCP?

  1. Keep the establishment pest free
  2. To raise money in fees for the federal gov't
  3. To establish awareness of the safety rules for employees
  4. Identify and control possible hazards throughout the flow of food
Correct Answer

Q10. A circumstance in which direct food safety is impacted without appropriate action by the organisation is observed during the audit and/or, when legality and/or certification integrity are at stake would be classified as a:

  1. Critical NC
  2. Major NC
  3. Not nonconformity
  4. Minor NC
Correct Answer

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