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Project Management Question Bank
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You are a project manager for a US $3,000,000 product development project. Your project is well into the executing process group and remains on time, on budget, and on specification. This morning, a project team member alerts you to a newspaper article detailing unusually high defect rates in materials that your team has been using to develop your product prototype. You had no reason to suspect quality issues in these materials before now. What should you do FIRST in response to this concern?
  1. Stop work on the prototype
  2. Quantify the risk
  3. Develop a risk mitigation plan
  4. Determine a workaround.

Q2. Which of the following contains an item that is NOT an output of the Plan Procurements process?

  1. Procurement management plan, procurement documents, procurement contract award
  2. Procurement statement of work, procurement management plan, make-or-buy decisions
  3. Requested changes, procurement management plan, source selection criteria
  4. Make-or-buy decisions, procurement statement of work, change requests.
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following is needed to develop a project schedule?

  1. Lessons learned
  2. Network diagram
  3. Completion of the Verify Scope process
  4. Completion of the Control Schedule process
Correct Answer

Q4. A project team is having difficulty communicating over long distances. There are 13 team members from two countries when five people from Indian are added to the project. How many communication channels are there?

  1. 153
  2. 180
  3. 324
  4. 362
Correct Answer

Q5. You work in a matrix organization when a team member comes to you to admit he is having trouble with his activity. Although not yet in serious trouble, the team member admits he is uncertain of how to perform part of the work on the activity. He suggests a training class available next week. What should you do?

  1. Switch to a trained resource to avoid the cost
  2. Determine if anyone else needs training
  3. Get money from the team member’s functional department budget
  4. Get money from the project budget
Correct Answer

Q6. Eric, a project manager, is a certified PMP. He is responding to an RFP from a buyer and needs to fill in details on his company’s financial performance. His company has performed poorly during the current quarter, and the results will be published in two to three days. However, the company has done very well in the previous quarters. The RFP is due in 10 days, and all the information in the RFP is complete except the financial information. What should Eric do?

  1. Eric should fill in the information for the previous quarter and ignore the current quarter. This is an aberration, and the company will eventually come out of the bad patch.
  2. Eric should present the previous quarter's results as the latest results. This will give his company a better chance to win the project.
  3. Eric should fill in the financial information for the previous quarter and send out the RFP response before the current quarter results are published.
  4. Eric should wait until the current results are out and update the latest financial information before sending out the RFP response.
Correct Answer

Q7. A project has a schedule reserve of 28 days when the customer adds scope not previously planned for. The change has a 40 percent chance of delaying the project by an additional 14 days. What should be done?

  1. Add more resources to the project.
  2. Look for ways to cut 14 days of work from another activity.
  3. Add 5.6 days to the schedule reserve.
  4. Plan to add 14 days of overtime to the project.
Correct Answer

Q8. Once signed, a contract is legally binding unless:

  1. One party is unable to perform.
  2. One party is unable to finance its part of the work.
  3. It is in violation of applicable law.
  4. It is declared null and void by either party's legal counsel.
Correct Answer

Q9. You work at a software company that authors Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemical companies. Prior to releasing the MSDS to the company, you have created a list of items for review to ensure they appear in the document. These items include chemical name, CAS#, protection required, what to do in an emergency, etc. This list is an example of what type of tool?

  1. Checklist
  2. Process Improvement Plan
  3. Quality Management Plan
  4. Quality Metrics
Correct Answer

Q10. Based on the chart that shows activities on the critical path, which activity(s) would you crash to save exactly four weeks?

  1. Activity F
  2. Activities A and E
  3. Activities C and E
  4. Activities A and C
Correct Answer

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