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Communication Skills Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Generally speaking, in business we communicate:
  1. only to entertain
  2. only to persuade
  3. only to inform
  4. to both persuade and inform

Q2. Business letters produce immediate effect because they are:

  1. brief
  2. formal
  3. informal
  4. interesting
Correct Answer

Q3. ____ is not one of the 7 C’s of communication:

  1. clarity
  2. correctness
  3. character
  4. conciseness
Correct Answer

Q4. An individual’s behavior in a foreign society becomes noticeable when it ____________ in relation to the foreign culture.

  1. conforms
  2. deviates
  3. irritates
  4. overlaps
Correct Answer

Q5. Listening, to a large extent, depends on a person’s:

  1. desire to know
  2. closed mind
  3. interest in others
  4. taste for gossip
Correct Answer

Q6. Grapevine, as an information system, is:

  1. informal
  2. personal
  3. formal
  4. predictable
Correct Answer

Q7. Negotiation strategy is partly concerned with:

  1. avoiding failure
  2. ending the discussion
  3. searching for a common goal
  4. prolonging the length of the negotiation
Correct Answer

Q8. In negotiations, the interpretation of a cue requires skill because it may be:

  1. verbal
  2. behavioural
  3. intentional
  4. ambiguous
Correct Answer

Q9. Most of our waking time goes in:

  1. writing
  2. hearing
  3. reading
  4. speaking
Correct Answer

Q10. One’s negotiation objective should be:

  1. personal
  2. social
  3. ideal
  4. realistic
Correct Answer

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