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English Question Bank
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Although he eats a lot, ______.
  1. he is losing weight
  2. he is gaining weight
  3. he is getting fatter
  4. he is putting on weight

Q2. When Jenny started working at the hospital, she rocked the boat by

  1. saying how well it was run
  2. questioning the way things were done
  3. doing her job quietly and not saying much
Correct Answer

Q3. After hearing the first track on the new CD, Theo said, "That's just the ticket!" and then he

  1. checked all his pockets
  2. took it off and threw it away
  3. bought himself a copy
Correct Answer

Q4. A past experience you cannot change is ……… under the bridge.

  1. a duck
  2. water
  3. a boat
  4. traffic
Correct Answer

Q5. On entering the restaurant, I immediately realized _____ so popular.

  1. why was it
  2. how is it
  3. the fact that was
  4. why it was
Correct Answer

Q6. “Please give me a pain killer.” the patient said. The patient begged the nurse _______ a pain killer.

  1. to give her
  2. she would give her
  3. she would give me
  4. to give me
Correct Answer

Q7. After a bitter discussion they went ______ each other.

  1. to
  2. at
  3. off
  4. over
Correct Answer

Q8. We were having dinner in a restaurant last night when this guy at the next table flew off the handle because

  1. the food was so delicious
  2. the waiter was so handsome
  3. the waiter brought the wrong thing
Correct Answer

Q9. Neil is famous for making up the most incredible stories, so you'd better take them with a pinch of ……… .

  1. snuff
  2. pepper
  3. salt
  4. herbs
Correct Answer

Q10. The kids in the hospital had a ray of sunshine in their lives when

  1. some famous footballers visited them
  2. they were taken to sit outside in the sun
  3. the nurses checked their blood pressure
Correct Answer

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