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Which one of the following is not a feature of a strategic business unit?
  1. Distinct mission
  2. Separate identify under the umbrella of the parent firm
  3. unlimited powers in the hands of CEO of SBU
  4. Separate managing team

Q2. Avon, Amway, and Tupperware use which of the following forms of channel distribution?

  1. direct marketing channel
  2. indirect marketing channel
  3. forward channel
  4. fashion channel
Correct Answer

Q3. Our marketing mechanism is deemed successful only if –

  1. We get money from him
  2. Customer is fully satisfied by our products and services
  3. We can sell more than our competitors
  4. We can make more profit than our competitors
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following response media provides the three different service models of ‘Immediate Assistance’, ‘Deferred Assistance’ and ‘Engaging’ with the company via self-service.

  1. E-mail
  2. Call centre
  3. SMS
  4. Web site
Correct Answer

Q5. In SWOT, the letter ‘O’ stands for –

  1. Omnipresent (product lines)
  2. Obvious (Marketing responses)
  3. Occurrence (of trade cycles)
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. If ABC Ltd. is considered as financially strong, then it comes under ____ characteristics.

  1. Economic
  2. Company
  3. Supply
  4. Marketing
Correct Answer

Q7. ___ are important to develop and evaluate the results of marketing interactions.

  1. Analytical tools
  2. Data warehouses
  3. Campaign management tools
  4. Interfaces
Correct Answer

Q8. Which of the following is not an element of the traditional marketing mix?

  1. Product
  2. Pricing
  3. Promotion
  4. Process
Correct Answer

Q9. Which of the following options is linked to order management?

  1. Exports and imports account data
  2. Improves financial planning by easily tracking sales pipeline
  3. Maintains audit information automatically
  4. Associates opportunity data records with purchase decisions
Correct Answer

Q10. When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels catering to the same market, then …………… occurs.

  1. Vertical channel conflict
  2. Horizontal channel conflict
  3. Multi channel conflict
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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