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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Chief component of first generation computer was
  1. Transistors
  2. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
  3. Integrated Circuits
  4. None of above

Q2. If we use the command prompt $P$L which of the following prompt may be set?

  1. C :\>
  2. C:
  3. C:\
  4. C :\<
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following is the allocation method of a disk space?

  1. Contiguous allocation
  2. Linked allocation
  3. Indexed allocation
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window

  1. write criteria values vertically one in a row
  2. write criteria values horizontally
  3. Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
  4. Write criteria values in same field separated with &
Correct Answer

Q5. A computer which CPU speed around 100 million instruction per second and with the word length of around 64 bits is known as

  1. Super computer
  2. Mini computer
  3. Micro computer
  4. Macro computer
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: Ctrl + Y

  1. Undo the last Action
  2. Repeat the last Action
  3. Delete the last page
  4. Delete the first page
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:on which part of the chart are the values entered in a data sheet displayed?

  1. The title area
  2. The legend
  3. The y-axis
  4. The x-axis
Correct Answer

Q8. A computer without software is

  1. like a book of blank pages
  2. most power to perform tasks quicker
  3. complete human being
  4. all of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: When the Language bar is _____, it means that you do not see it on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer.

  1. restored
  2. hidden
  3. minimized
  4. closed
Correct Answer

Q10. One of the popular mass storage device is CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for?

  1. Compactable Read Only Memory
  2. Compact Data Read Only Memory
  3. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
  4. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Correct Answer

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