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Communication Skills Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Informal negotiation involves:
  1. two people
  2. three people
  3. four people
  4. any number of people

Q2. Positive gestures are body signals that make you look:

  1. arrogant
  2. hurtful
  3. nervous
  4. relaxed
Correct Answer

Q3. Grooming is a form of non-verbal communication that is:

  1. hierarchical
  2. arbitrary
  3. subconscious
  4. conscious
Correct Answer

Q4. People in high-context cultures make business decisions on the basis of:

  1. individual needs
  2. interpersonal relations
  3. reason
  4. competition
Correct Answer

Q5. Effective communication is essentially a:

  1. one-way process
  2. both a one-way and a two-way process
  3. two-way process
  4. three-way process
Correct Answer

Q6. The word communication is derived from communis (Latin) which means:

  1. oral speech
  2. community
  3. common
  4. message
Correct Answer

Q7. The effectiveness of oral communication depends on the speaker’s ability to use:

  1. foreign words
  2. complex words
  3. simple language
  4. long sentences
Correct Answer

Q8. At an Arab business party, alcohol is:

  1. not served at all
  2. served first
  3. served last
  4. served continuously
Correct Answer

Q9. In writing business letters, one has to be:

  1. conventional
  2. formal
  3. dull
  4. friendly
Correct Answer

Q10. As a sympathetic listener, you should consider the message from the point of view of:

  1. yourself
  2. others
  3. the audience
  4. the speaker
Correct Answer

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