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Which is not listed as one of the eight wastes?
  1. Waiting
  2. Excess machine capacity
  3. Transporting
  4. Overproduction

Q2. The middle value of a data set when the values are arranged in either ascending or descending order

  1. Median
  2. Mode
  3. Mean
  4. Discrete Data
Correct Answer

Q3. The concept that it is easier and less costly to do the work right the first time is called:

  1. Zero defects
  2. Continuous improvement
  4. The customer is the next person in the process
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following is the correct combination of specifications while designing a control chart?

  1. Sample size, Process mean, specification limit
  2. Sample size, Frequency of sampling, specification limit
  3. Sample size, Frequency of sampling, Number of defects
  4. Sample size, Specification limit, process standard deviation
Correct Answer

Q5. One of the most common measures of variability in a data set or population

  1. Process capability
  2. Specification limits
  3. Mean
  4. Standard Deviation
Correct Answer

Q6. The average run length can be defined as:

  1. The beta risk for an x bar chart
  2. The expected number of samples taken before any shift in process quality is detected
  3. The number of samples used in the construction of x bar chart
  4. The number of items per sample
Correct Answer

Q7. They set very clear scope for all Six Sigma projects. They are responsible for approving any changes to the scope of the project

  1. Six Sigma Deployment Leader
  2. Champion (Sponsor)
  3. Master Black Belt
  4. Black Belt
Correct Answer

Q8. Which is not listed as one of the eight wastes?

  1. Waiting
  2. Excess machine capacity
  3. Transporting
  4. Overproduction
Correct Answer

Q9. The majority of product defects could be prevented in most processes if manufacturers would do the following:

  1. Increase the use of acceptance control charts instead of standard three-sigma control charts
  2. Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the design stage
  3. Create a quality control department
  4. A and B
  5. A and C
Correct Answer

Q10. The basic assumption of calculating the control limits based on average sample size (for a p chart) will ______________ from/as those previously observed.

  1. Greatly differ
  2. Will be exactly the same
  3. Not greatly differ
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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