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Communication Skills Question Bank
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Persuasion is an essential element of effective negotiation because it helps in:
  1. resolving disputes among people
  2. effecting agreements and solutions in the interest of all
  3. achieving one’s own interests
  4. settling issues between two parties

Q2. Listening and hearing refer to:

  1. different things
  2. mental and physical acts, respectively
  3. a specific act versus a general act
  4. the same thing
Correct Answer

Q3. Negotiation implies that both parties accept that the agreement between them is:

  1. subject to further dispute
  2. conditional
  3. final and binding
  4. necessary
Correct Answer

Q4. A reflective listener:

  1. ignores the details
  2. thinks about the speaker’s message
  3. appreciates the message
  4. repeats the message’s essential parts
Correct Answer

Q5. Form letters are also known as:

  1. bad news letters
  2. persuasive sales letters
  3. formal letters
  4. circular letters
Correct Answer

Q6. The final aim of negotiation is to:

  1. reach an agreement
  2. implement an agreement between two parties
  3. end a dispute
  4. win at all cost
Correct Answer

Q7. Persuasion is an essential element of effective negotiation because it helps in:

  1. resolving disputes among people
  2. effecting agreements and solutions in the interest of all
  3. achieving one’s own interests
  4. settling issues between two parties
Correct Answer

Q8. As compared to unannounced negotiation, formal negotiation:

  1. is simpler
  2. is more time consuming
  3. requires less preparation
  4. is more difficult
Correct Answer

Q9. In negotiations, the interpretation of a cue requires skill because it may be:

  1. verbal
  2. behavioural
  3. intentional
  4. ambiguous
Correct Answer

Q10. People from other countries can be easily put at ease by speaking to them in:

  1. their language
  2. English
  3. sign language
  4. your own language
Correct Answer

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