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Communication Skills Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Negotiation implies that both parties accept that the agreement between them is:
  1. subject to further dispute
  2. conditional
  3. final and binding
  4. necessary

Q2. Business letters produce immediate effect because they are:

  1. brief
  2. formal
  3. informal
  4. interesting
Correct Answer

Q3. The best way to apply for a job is to submit a résumé that is:

  1. suitable for any job
  2. self-recommending
  3. full of personal information
  4. specifically written for that particular job
Correct Answer

Q4. In many parts of the world, such as Latin America and India, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of:

  1. evasiveness
  2. timidity
  3. respect
  4. dishonesty
Correct Answer

Q5. Negotiation implies that both parties accept that the agreement between them is:

  1. subject to further dispute
  2. conditional
  3. final and binding
  4. necessary
Correct Answer

Q6. Forecasting determines organizational:

  1. performance
  2. feedback
  3. objectives and policies
  4. budget
Correct Answer

Q7. Giving non-verbal messages is:

  1. deliberate
  2. spontaneous
  3. tutored
  4. a dramatic skill
Correct Answer

Q8. “Tease” or “stress” questions are intended to judge:

  1. the candidate’s intelligence quotient
  2. the candidate’s technical skill
  3. the candidate’s stress level
  4. how the candidate handles them
Correct Answer

Q9. The limitation of oral communication is that:

  1. it is irreversible—what is said cannot be taken back
  2. it is not affected by the speaker’s feelings or stress or excitement levels
  3. it does not require on-the-spot thinking
  4. it is easy to be aware of our body language
Correct Answer

Q10. Listening, to a large extent, depends on a person’s:

  1. desire to know
  2. closed mind
  3. interest in others
  4. taste for gossip
Correct Answer

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