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Quality Question Bank
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Inspection, scrap, and repair are examples of ______________
  1. internal costs
  2. external costs
  3. costs of dissatisfaction
  4. societal costs

Q2. The cost of quality is needed to identify opportunities for improvement. The cost of quality is, therefore, defined as the dollar value associated with ______________.

  1. producing a product that meets the requirement
  2. nonconformance to the requirement
  3. any cost for quality personnel and tools
  4. any extra cost to hire a quality consultant
  5. all extra efforts to implement a quality program
Correct Answer

Q3. If data for MR chat shows non-normality, it is better to determine the control limits for the individuals control chart based on the ______________ of the correct underlying distribution.

  1. Percentage
  2. Percentiles
  3. Rank
  4. Mean
Correct Answer

Q4. In order to achieve long-term quality improvements, management must do the following:

  1. Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management involvement
  2. Establish financial incentive packages for workers
  3. A and D
  4. Motivate the employees with seminars, contests, and institution of programs such as "Quality Improvement" day
  5. Create a quality control department and give the head of the department ultimate responsibility for quality improvement
Correct Answer

Q5. Cost of quality includes:

  1. Cost of all work resulting from nonconformance to the requirements
  2. a and b
  3. all of the above
  4. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements
  5. Training programs
Correct Answer

Q6. How does ISO 9001 define Quality Assurance?

  1. Part of quality management focusing on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled
  2. Part of quality management focusing on ensuring customer satisfaction
  3. A documented quality process to ensure quality is upheld throughout the full management system
  4. Part of quality management focusing on ensuring management reviews the quality of all produce and goods
Correct Answer

Q7. The concept of zero inventory is called:

  1. Six sigma
  2. Continuous improvement
  3. Just in Time
  4. Zero defects
Correct Answer

Q8. The key process input variables (KPIV) and key process output variables are developed during the ______________ phase.

  1. Define
  2. Analyze
  3. Measure
  4. Improve
Correct Answer

Q9. A multiple-choice test has 30 questions. There are 4 choices for each question. A student who has not studied for the test decides to answer all the questions randomly by guessing the answer to each question. Which of the following probability distributions can be used to calculate the student's chance of getting at least 20 questions right?

  1. Exponential
  2. Normal
  3. Poisson
  4. Binomial
Correct Answer

Q10. A planning method designed to show the tasks associated with a project, the personnel responsible for completing the tasks and the timelines allowed

  1. Pareto chart
  2. Gantt chart
  3. Microsoft Project
  4. Check sheet
Correct Answer

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