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Quality Question Bank
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Quality Circles members are ______________
  1. Paid according to their contribution to quality
  2. External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools
  3. Always machine operators
  4. None of the three.

Q2. If data for MR chat shows non-normality, it is better to determine the control limits for the individuals control chart based on the ______________ of the correct underlying distribution.

  1. Percentage
  2. Percentiles
  3. Rank
  4. Mean
Correct Answer

Q3. In order to achieve long-term quality improvements, management must do the following:

  1. Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management involvement
  2. Establish financial incentive packages for workers
  3. A and D
  4. Motivate the employees with seminars, contests, and institution of programs such as "Quality Improvement" day
  5. Create a quality control department and give the head of the department ultimate responsibility for quality improvement
Correct Answer

Q4. A tool that analyzes the Input to a process to identify the causes of errors is called:

  1. Scatter diagram
  2. Ishikawa diagram
  3. Pareto diagram
  4. a and c
  5. Cause and effect diagram
Correct Answer

Q5. How does ISO 9000 define “Management Systems”?

  1. Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organisation to establish procedures and outline these within documentation
  2. Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organisation to establish policies and objectives, and processes to achieve those objectives
  3. Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organisation to effectively record quality processes
  4. Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organisation to identify risks and improve efficiency
Correct Answer

Q6. In case someone is interested in process standard deviation, he should construct the ______________ chart.

  1. X bar
  2. R chart
  3. S chart
  4. None of these
Correct Answer

Q7. The concept of zero inventory is called:

  1. Six sigma
  2. Continuous improvement
  3. Just in Time
  4. Zero defects
Correct Answer

Q8. A leadership style that is said to motivate employees, and that optimizes the introduction of change is:

  1. Autocratic – A clear top-down approach where a single individual has complete power of decision-making and little discussion is had for external input.
  2. Consultative – A style where leaders engage subordinates/peers in the decision-making and problem-solving process, but ultimately make the final decisions for the team.
  3. Participatory – An approach where leaders interact with other participants as peers, engaging them in the decision-making process and playing an equal role in the process as others and jointly carrying out the problem solving activities.
  4. Democratic – An open style of running a team where leaders facilitate discussion among all members, encourage ideas to be shared, and consider everyone’s input in order to make final decisions for the team.
Correct Answer

Q9. What does the Adjusted R squared value tells us?

  1. The Adjusted R squared value tells us how much of the variance in the dependent variable can be accounted for by the independent variable
  2. The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a positive relationship
  3. The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a significant difference
  4. The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a significant relationship
Correct Answer

Q10. Quality practices must be carried out ______________

  1. at the start of the project
  2. throuout the life of the project
  3. at the end of the project
  4. no neeed to carry out quality practices
Correct Answer

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