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Quality Question Bank
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Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management:
  1. Customer Satisfaction
  2. Reducing manpower
  3. Continuous Cost Reduction
  4. Continuous Operational Improvement

Q2. When conducting an ANOVA, the F-Value calculated from the data will always fall within what'range?

  1. between negative infinity and infinity
  2. between 0 and 1
  3. between 0 and infinity
  4. between 1 and infinity
Correct Answer

Q3. When is it appropriate to collect and use data?

  1. Before the QI project, to prove a problem exists.
  2. During the QI project, to answer questions about the cause and help prioritize the implementation of improvements.
  3. After the implementation of the improvement to maintain the gain.
  4. All of Above.
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following should be reviewed by the organization to identify requirements for operations that realize products or deliver services in order to ensure compliance with specifications?

  1. Inability to comply with contractual requirements
  2. Training and competence of people
  3. Problem conception
  4. Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements
Correct Answer

Q5. Tools and techniques used during the Quality Planning process include:

  1. Benchmarking
  2. all of the above
  3. Benefit / cost analysis
  4. Quality audits
  5. a and b
Correct Answer

Q6. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, which prioritizes different sources of error, is used in _________________ stage.

  1. Define
  2. Measure
  3. Improve
  4. Analyze
Correct Answer

Q7. The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in many ways. Which of the following represents the most important motivation for the QC circle participant:

  1. Improving the performance of the company
  2. Self-Improvement
  3. Financial Incentives
  4. Recognition among co-workers
  5. Strengthening of relationships between co-workers
Correct Answer

Q8. Effective quality improvement can be instrumental in:

  1. Increasing productivity
  2. Reducing cost
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. What does Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2015 provide details of?

  1. Improvement
  2. Planning
  3. Operation
  4. Leadership
Correct Answer

Q10. QFD stands for ______________

  1. Quantity for deployment
  2. Quality for deployment
  3. Quality function deployment
  4. Quality for decision
Correct Answer

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