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Communication Skills Question Bank
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Letters that please the receiver are called:
  1. “yes” letters
  2. invitation letters
  3. good-news letters
  4. routine letters

Q2. Oral communication is also known as:

  1. non-verbal communication
  2. verbal communication
  3. impersonal communication
  4. face-to-face communication
Correct Answer

Q3. Culture is embedded in our:

  1. gestures
  2. expressions
  3. minds
  4. beliefs
Correct Answer

Q4. A negotiation is discussed in a tone that focuses attention on the need to reach a satisfactory solution by:

  1. making proposals
  2. joint problem-solving
  3. setting conditions
  4. force
Correct Answer

Q5. By choosing to speak from the floor instead of the dais, a speaker can show the audience a sense of:

  1. respect
  2. closeness
  3. equality
  4. informality
Correct Answer

Q6. The principles of effective writing include:

  1. accuracy
  2. clarity
  3. brevity, clarity and accuracy
  4. brevity
Correct Answer

Q7. In issuing instructions, one should avoid the:

  1. imperative form
  2. subjunctive form
  3. active voice
  4. passive voice
Correct Answer

Q8. Oral communication is the interchange of _____________ between the sender and receiver.

  1. signs and gestures
  2. cues and clues
  3. verbal messages
  4. written messages
Correct Answer

Q9. The best way to apply for a job is to submit a résumé that is:

  1. suitable for any job
  2. self-recommending
  3. full of personal information
  4. specifically written for that particular job
Correct Answer

Q10. The presenter acts as the:

  1. medium of the information
  2. supporter of the information
  3. advocate of the information
  4. deliverer of the information
Correct Answer

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