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Quality Question Bank
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An unbiased dice is rolled once. The probability of getting a number greater than 4 is:
  1. ¼
  2. 1/6
  3. ½
  4. 1/3

Q2. Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management:

  1. Customer Satisfaction
  2. Reducing manpower
  3. Continuous Cost Reduction
  4. Continuous Operational Improvement
Correct Answer

Q3. A bar chart that depicts the frequencies of numerical or measurement data

  1. Sample
  2. Histogram
  3. Check Sheet
  4. Process Map
Correct Answer

Q4. Let p0 be the incoming fraction defective and p1 be the outgoing fraction defective (Assume both p1 and p0 is greater than 0). If rectifying inspection is performed then:

  1. P0
  2. P1
  3. None of the above
  4. Cannot be determined
Correct Answer

Q5. In a quality management information system, there is a need to collect data and format such data into an information output that is useful to the project manager. In developing such an information system, it is good to remember that an optimum system does not supply all the information because ______________.

  1. some information costs more to collect than it is worth
  2. some information is not available for collection and input
  3. most information relies on related data to generate the proper output
  4. there is never enough information collected
  5. the system is incapable of processing all the required information
Correct Answer

Q6. How does ISO 9000:2015 define a process?

  1. Set of interrelated or interacting activities which uses inputs to deliver a result that meets or exceeds the ISO 9001 standards of quality
  2. A full lifecycle of events which includes inputs such as materials and information, management, resources and outputs
  3. A cycle which includes inputs, actions and outputs to ensure quality is met
  4. Set of interrelated or interacting activities that uses inputs to deliver an intended result
Correct Answer

Q7. For a c chart, the LCL comes out to be -.7. The value of LCL that should be used is:

  1. -.7
  2. 0
  3. 1
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Self-inspection by the individual performing the work is used to achieve quality in a product. The advantages of self-inspection include ______________.

  1. minimization of end product repairs and material waste
  2. immediate feedback to permit adjustments to the process
  3. early identification of errors prior to further integration
  4. reduction in the number of end product inspections and tests
  5. all of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. The dimension of reliability is concerned with:

  1. How easy it is to repair the product
  2. How long does the product last
  3. Will the product do the intended job
  4. How often does the product fail
Correct Answer

Q10. What is not part of set up reduction?

  1. Keeping tools and gages in kits
  2. Adding adjustments to fixtures and tools
  3. Mistake proofing setup activities
  4. Defining internal and external tasks
Correct Answer

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