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Vacancy: Hole Watcher, Saudi Arabia

Vacancy: Hole Watcher, Saudi Arabia
Posted on: Nov.11.2021

Job Description:

Manhole watch duties are entrusted with the safety of those who enter confined spaces activity.
They must understand the hazards associated with confined space entry, be able to communicate effectively, recognize aberrant behaviors in the personnel in the confined space that may result from the hazards associated with the space and act appropriately in an emergency.

ITI / Vocational course completion some specialist training to ensure they are compliant with OSHA Courses prepare them for hot work, and include strategies for identifying possible hazards, knowing how and when to attempt to extinguish a fire, emergency protocols and OSHA-mandated safety and evacuation procedures.

Previous experience in Maintenance Shutdown jobs from refinery, oil & gas and petrochemicals industry is preferred.

Knowledge & Qualification:

Diploma /ITI

Role & Responsibilities:

Manhole watch duties are entrusted with the safety of those who enter confined spaces activity.

They must understand the hazards associated with confined space entry, be able to communicate effectively, recognize aberrant behaviors in the personnel in the confined space that may result from the hazards associated with the space and act appropriately in an emergency.

ITI / Vocational course completion some specialist training to ensure they are compliant with OSHA Courses prepare them for hot work, and include strategies for identifying possible hazards, knowing how and when to attempt to extinguish a fire, emergency protocols and OSHA-mandated safety and evacuation procedures.


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